How can I get a stable singing voice?
How do I strain when I try to hit the notes?
How can I be in control of my voice?
Aspiring singers often have doubts that trouble them whenever they try to improve their singing skills or work on their singing. Sometimes, it is because of a negative comment, while other times, it is a lack of confidence that gets us on the back foot.
You must realise that singing is a fantastic approach to expressing yourself freely. However, it can be hard to get your message across if you have poor voice quality. Many factors can affect how well your voice sounds and how long it lasts between sessions. Fortunately, there are numerous techniques to hone your singing voice.
Here are some tips for keeping your voice healthy and strong so that it can last longer between performances:

Warm up your voice before you sing.
Be sure to warm up your voice before singing. Warm-up exercises can be done by humming or singing scales, which will help loosen up your vocal cords and prepare them for singing. A good way to do this is by starting with a scale that has five notes per octave, then adding more notes until it reaches an octave higher than the original one. Do this exercise slowly at first so you can hear how much pressure is needed on each note to make it sound clear and distinct; then speed up as time goes on!
Once you’ve gotten used to this technique, try singing songs that don’t require too much power in order for them not only to fit but also to sound great! Singing scales along with learning new versions of familiar tunes will help develop proper technique while also helping improve overall tone quality.
However, one must discuss this with their teacher because warm-up can be subjective.

Do riyaz daily, even if you do it for some time.
Riyaz is a very important part of a singer’s routine.
If you desire to be a great singer, you must do riyaz daily. This will help improve your singing skills and also help you to get rid of inconsistencies in singing.
It’s not enough to just say, “I will do my riyaz.” You must practise daily, even if you do it for some time. The more you practise your riyaz, the more you will be able to appreciate its advantages and how it can aid you in reaching your objectives.
Here are some benefits of doing riyaz on a daily basis:
– It improves your singing ability.
– It helps in building vocal cords.
– It strengthens the vocal cords.
– It helps in breathing correctly.
Some singing enthusiasts think they can practise or do riyaz once a week and enjoy singing the way they want. However, the fact is that doing riyaz once or even thrice a week isn’t enough. Singing and practising every day is recommended to improve one’s voice by leaps and bounds.
Here again, your teacher’s input will be of utmost importance.

Find your vocal range.
It’s important to know your comfortable scale. Everyone has one, so it’s good to find yours and then use it as a guide for when you’re warming up before singing. Once you’ve warmed up, start by finding a note that is on the same pitch as your comfortable scale. Do this over and over until you start touching that note comfortably; then, start adding one more note (or a semitone) every time up the octave.
Remember, confidence is the key. If you know your comfortable scale, you’ll be able to sing with confidence.
Even without training, you can also figure out what voice range suits YOU the best. Of course, things get better every time an experienced teacher guides you to know and understand your scale.
An interesting point to know here is that when you sing in your comfortable scale, you allow yourself to warm up both vocal cords and give them some practice moving around during warming-up exercises. These exercises are important, and you should keep them in mind so that you do not end up sounding like Darth Vader. 🙂
NOTE: Do not get obsessed with the vocal range of the original singer because everyone has their own vocal range. Remember this because, in the process, you might lose your actual vocal abilities!

Give rest to your voice between sessions.
In order to keep your voice healthy and strong, it’s important that you give it rest every day and even during sessions.
Here, you might have some questions. Luckily, we have answers to two of the most-asked questions.
– How long should I rest my voice?
It depends on how much singing you do during the day and what kind of music you like to sing. For example, if you play in a band or sing with a group once a week, resting for an hour before singing again would be enough time under normal circumstances (i.e., not having any other commitments). However, if this is just one more thing on top of everything else going on in life, then maybe consider taking two days off before resuming activity (or even longer if necessary).
– What should I do while I’m resting?
Try some relaxation techniques like meditation or essential oils like Lavender and Eucalyptus for relaxation purposes; these can help lower stress levels while soothing muscles tense due to nerves being worked too hard over time.
By giving your voice some rest, you’ll be able to loosen up your throat muscles and give your vibrating edges a chance to recover.
Artium Academy Teacher’s Showreel
Practise vocal techniques under the guidance of an experienced vocal coach.
As a vocalist, you must understand that good vocal technique is crucial to your success. The vocal technique can be learned and improved under the guidance of an experienced vocal coach. You may be born with an amazing voice, but every vocalist needs to work on their skills every day in order to achieve great results.
Here, we want to share that all singers have something unique about them; however, when it comes down specifically to singing technique then, everyone has something different within themselves, which means no matter what kind of music genre we may sing (for example, Hindustani Classical/Carnatic Music)… it doesn’t matter because each style will require certain techniques depending on one’s strengths/weaknesses as well as personal preferences within each genre itself.

Keep yourself hydrated.
If you’re dehydrated, your vocal cords can’t vibrate properly and make the sound of your voice clear. In fact, it’s important to keep a healthy balance in the right amount of moisture for vocal cord health by drinking plenty of water throughout the day—and especially before singing!
You can even eat fruits and vegetables to keep your vocal cords hydrated because they contain antioxidants that help prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. These chemicals also reduce inflammation within our bodies as well as improve blood circulation, which helps keep us looking younger and longer!
When we talk about hydration, you can even consider drinking tea or juice, but avoid alcohol because it can actually dehydrate one’s body. It makes it hard for a singer to produce a good tone in their voice when singing and speaking out loud.
While singing, there is a possibility of feeling a strain. If that happens, you should ask your doctor to examine your condition.
Following these tips and getting the right training can ensure your voice is ready when it comes time to sing!
At Artium, we have courses designed to help students learn to sing in their preferred genre from Artium-certified teachers. With this, we intend to make online singing classes fun for each learner enrolled with us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us. We’re here for you 24/7!