How can I learn the piano?
Can I learn piano online?
How important is it to take piano classes?
We hear you!
Before you begin with anything, there will be a number of questions that will cloud your mind. This can be challenging to deal with, but if you want to be happy about learning piano, you have to be under the guidance of an experienced teacher. But this isn’t enough; you must practise the instrument regularly.
In this article, let’s explore some pointers that will help you be happy with learning piano at your convenience.

Keyboard or Piano – Start with whatever is at your disposal
There are alternatives available if you want to learn piano but don’t have the budget for a real piano. A keyboard or digital piano; you can start with whatever is at your disposal. It can be a great way to start learning and playing songs for beginners. While choosing the instrument, it is important to remember that you will be comfortable playing it with both hands. Piano, as an instrument, requires you to play with both hands right from the very first day of learning.

Learn the basics
To learn how to play songs on your instrument, you should learn how each key sounds when pressed down by your fingertips. You can do this by playing simple melodies while keeping track of what they sound like as they go along so that later you can identify them again under pressure when needed during performance situations such as recitals/concerts etc.
Learning to identify the notes on the piano is a good place to start, and it’s also easy. There are only twelve notes on a piano – C, D, E flat ,E, F, F sharp, G, G sharp, A, B flat & B. These letters stand for certain notes that make up melodies when played with any instrument.

Set realistic targets
Setting realistic goals for yourself is one of the most effective methods to learn the piano. This can be difficult, especially if you’re new to this type of learning and don’t know where to start. However, setting yourself up for failure will only make it harder for you in the long run.
You should also be aware that asking for help is part of growing as an adult—and there are many ways we can do this! If one method doesn’t work out well enough on its own (or if someone else has even better ideas), then don’t be afraid to try something else! You might find that one approach works better than another after all, or maybe something completely different will work just as well. You’ll never know until you try it out!
Finally, don’t compare yourself with others who seem more experienced than yourself at first glance – everyone starts somewhere and has their own unique journey toward becoming successful musicians themselves (or anything else).

Choose a course that builds a strong foundation
There are a lot of different ways to learn piano, but the best way is often the most obvious: choose a course that builds a strong foundation. A good foundation will help you get through the difficult parts of learning and make it easier for you in the future.
Some courses build a strong foundation by teaching reading music, which is important because it helps you understand what notes sound like and allows for better understanding and playing of chords. If you’re learning piano as a beginner from an online teacher or tutor who doesn’t teach reading music as part of their lesson plan, this option may not be available for you!

Learn to read music
Reading music is like learning a new language. The more you read and use it in your daily practice, the more fluent it will be. The first step is learning how to identify each note on the staff, and this can be done by looking at its position in relation to other notes. Understanding the basic concepts like Time Signature, Key Signature, Dynamics & Note values will help you in reading music better.

Don’t give up
Don’t give up. Plenty of resources are available to help you learn how to play the piano, from online lessons and books to apps on your phone or tablet. You just have to keep practising until you master those basics!
Keep working hard towards achieving your goal(s) no matter how long it takes – because it is not just about understanding the instrument but falling in love with it. Over a period of time, your hard work will pay off big time when it turns into reality. Your years spent practising diligently day in and day out every single day without fail will give you the motivation to finally reach peak performance levels, allowing you to access higher realms for satisfaction as a pianist.

Enjoy practising on the instrument
There are many ways to make your practice sessions more enjoyable, and the best way is by making them fun. Small targets and result oriented practice will make your practice enjoyable & will help you get better at the piano. You’ll be more inspired and committed to pursuing excellence if you’re having fun!
So, what’s the secret to learning how to play the piano flawlessly?
Well, you may have heard of techniques such as repetition, gradual exposure, and associative memory. Now, it’s time for another one: Immediate recall!
To get good, you need to stay focused and practise regularly!
With this, the best way to learn how to play the piano as a beginner is through the right course and teacher at the right time. You need to find a teacher who understands your goals, can help you develop a solid foundation, and then keep up with your progress as you advance in your musical skills. If you’re struggling with this process, connect with us, and we will help you make the choice that should work for you.