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The Basics of Swara in Hindustani Music

With deep-rooted origins and profound characteristics, To learn Hindustani classical music demands a better understanding of its core elements. Amongst these, the concept of Swara is one such basic element. Swara is where beginners gain a more profound sense of progression in any Hindustani music taught at Artium Academy. This guide is for everyone—a student eager to learn about music, an aspiring musician with some knowledge already, or even parents looking to support their children’s musical journey but unsure where to begin.

What is Swara?

Swara is a note in Hindustani music equivalent to Western intervals or notes. The Swaras are not just sounds but the soul of melodies. In Hindustani music, every composition and improvisation starts with Swara. It is the language through which we express feelings and tales. Understanding Swara isn’t just about hearing a note; it’s about feeling how it fits into the bigger music picture. Within Swara lies the seed of creation, learning, and experiencing the layers that define Hindustani music.

Seven Basic Swaras

There are seven basic Swaras in Hindustani music: Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni. These Swaras are integral to a musical scale and help create endless melodies.

  1. Sa (Shadja): The base or root, similar to Western music’s tonic ‘Do’. Sa is the foundation for any musical composition.
  2. Re (Rishabh): One level up from Sa.
  3. Ga (Gandar): The deepest of all, similar to Mi in the Western scale.
  4. Ma (Madhyam): The fourth note introduces stability.
  5. Pa (Pancham): The fifth is a powerful counterpart to Sa.
  6. Dha (Dhaivat): The sixth, infusing momentum.
  7. Ni (Nishad): The seventh, ideally leading back to Sa.

The Swaras differ slightly from Western notes (C, D, E, F, G, etc.), but mastering these Swaras is essential for exploring melodies within Hindustani music.

The Role of Swara in Raga

Swara is the basic unit of sound, or a note, in Hindustani music. Swaras imparts its unique character to the Raga, making the sequence and combinations even more crucial. For instance, Raga Yaman’s serene and devotional mood is achieved by singing specific Swaras in ascending and descending patterns. A good performer explores these Swaras well in a Raga, determining the improvisation’s emotional depth and beauty.

Understanding Sargam (Solfege)

Sargam is a method of learning and practising music using syllables for pitches, similar to the Western “Do, Re, Mi.” However, Sargam is a foundational tool used in vocal and instrumental music training in Indian music. At Artium Academy, we strongly emphasise Sargam exercises as they significantly improve pitch accuracy and musical expression, essential for mastering any genre. These exercises are not just routines but fundamental practice tools that develop your musical skills and enrich your understanding of Hindustani music.

Techniques for Practicing Swaras

To perfect Swaras, practice is necessary. At Artium Academy, we advise beginners to start with basic exercises like singing scales or playing them on an instrument accompanied by a drone (a base note, similar to a Tanpura in classical Indian music), which helps maintain the correct notes and improves accuracy. Using a metronome can also help develop a deep understanding of rhythm. Spending just five minutes on Swara can improve your pitch accuracy, tone quality, and overall musicality.

Learn Classical Music: Emphasising the Basics

At Artium Academy, we emphasise mastering the basics before moving on to complex Ragas or advanced improvisation techniques. Understanding the basics of Swara builds confidence and prepares you for the vast and intricate world of Hindustani music. Whether you take formal lessons, online singing classes or self-study, an aspiring musician needs this foundational knowledge to succeed.


Swara is the foundation of learning Hindustani music, your gateway to a deeper understanding and appreciation of Hindustani music. At Artium Academy, we are here to guide you through each step, helping you build a strong foundation in Swaras that will pave the way for advanced exploration. Remember, these basics are not just about learning music—they are about connecting with the soul of Hindustani classical music. Keep practising, stay curious, and let the Swaras guide your musical journey.

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