It is a delight to listen to legendary singers’ beautiful songs. For instance, Lata Mangeshkar Ji’s, ‘Ajeeb dastaan hai ye’ or Kishore Kumar Ji’s, ‘Pal pal dil ke paas’ are perfect examples of evergreen songs. Speaking of amazing songs, the modern era is no less! Sonu Nigam’s, ‘Abhi mujh mein kahin’ and Shaan’s, ‘Chand sifarish’ are one of the most mesmerizing songs that we have heard so far.
While we love listening to songs and vibing along, are we aware of the level of effort these singers put in right before their performances? There is a lot that singers need to work on just to sing a song that soothes your ears and suits your mood, no matter what your genre is! For starters, before singing, voice warm-up is a must! You can develop and enhance your singing performance by using vocal warm ups or vocal exercises. If you are keen to know how to learn singing online then continue reading.
But before diving further into the intricacies of singing; check out these tips and vocal exercises for beginners.
What are vocal warm-ups for singers?
A vocal warm-up consists of a number of exercises that are designed to get the voice ready for singing, acting, or other uses.
You must take special care when handling your vocal cords because they are delicate. You lower the possibility of tension, damage, and voice loss by stretching and assisting these muscles to relax. Singers who want to improve their range, mellow out their vocal breaks, and practice breathing exercises should also try vocal warm-ups.

Why is it necessary to practice singing warmup exercises?
Vocal warm-ups are incredibly beneficial for singers who want to smooth out their vocal breaks, practice breathing techniques, and widen their vocal range.
Vocal warm-ups ought to be an essential component of your vocal training regimen, regardless of whether you are just learning to sing or at the high point of your career. Whether you are taking online singing classes for kids or professionals, it starts with vocal exercises.
If you are aspiring to become a singer and are unaware of the vocal exercises for beginners, this is the right place for you to know and implement the same. Before we begin talking about the 10 vocal exercises, let’s discuss some of the tips that are going to help you.
Tips for vocal warmups:
- Try warming up your voice for ten minutes every day
- Practicing vocal warmups before performances are extremely beneficial
- Start gently and then move to higher notes
Let us have a look at these ten vocal warmups that will benefit you in shaping your voice:
- Focus on breathing exercises that are beneficial for beginners:
Breath control is the simplest and most fundamental voice exercise for singers. When performing everyday tasks like speaking, it’s typical to breathe from the chest. However, diaphragmatic breathing is necessary when singing. Your voice gains more strength, control, and an expressive tone when you sing from your diaphragm. Additionally, it relieves tension that could impair your performance and helps prevent voice strain.
- The siren exercise warms up and safely expands your vocal range:
The siren exercise will stretch your vocal cords and warm up your range. Additionally, using this technique prevents your notes from cracking as you move from one to the next. Don’t raise your voice above what you can comfortably sing. Practice smoothly changing between the various vocal registers as you get better.

- Lip trills are helpful for warming up your diaphragm and improving breath control:
Lip trills or lip bubbles help to release tension while warming up the vocal cords and diaphragm. The trick is to make a motorboat noise with your lips, making them vibrate quickly. It’s an enjoyable and successful method!
- Tension gets released through tongue trills:
Similar to lip trills, tongue trill exercises use your tongue instead of your lips. As you move through your vocal range, use the technique to roll your “Rs” and curl your tongue. You can try this exercise for longer durations. Also, this technique can be combined with the siren exercise.
- Humming exercises can help in stretching your vocal cords:
One of the best all-around vocal exercises is humming. This method eases facial tension, stretches the vocal cords, and enhances breathing. Humming also improves the vibration and your voice’s tone.
- Solfege and scale exercises can help you recognize notes:
The musical notation known as solfege gives each note of the musical scale a distinct syllable. Seven notes make up the major and minor scales. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, and Do are the seven fundamental syllables in the solfege system.
- Vowel warm-up exercises can improve voice clarity and articulation:
Vowel singing will improve voice clarity if you can control your mouth slightly in shaping and toning. Additionally, the tone, pitch, vowel shape, and breath control are all enhanced by this exercise. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that it is very important to know the right lip, tongue and jaw position.

- Tongue twister exercises can help in improving vocal articulation:
Vocal articulation and pronunciation are enhanced by tongue twister exercises. When singing, it’s crucial to say words clearly. Being unable to speak while performing is the absolute last thing you want to happen. Your mouth and brain are trained to handle difficult syllable transitions by tongue twisters.
- Tension can be released through yawning and opening your throat:
Your tongue, jaw, throat, and facial muscles will all relax as you yawn. It aids in controlling breathing as well. This exercise will help you relax your facial and throat muscles, which will help prevent voice strain. You will be more alert as a result of the increased oxygen flow to your brain.
- Jaw loosening exercises can release facial tension:
Tension in the mouth and jaw is relieved by the jaw massage exercise. It will also be easier for you to sing clearly if you relax your jaw and facial muscles. Your voice and performance may suffer from a tense jaw. One of the essential voice controllers is the jaw. How easy it is to sing will depend on how it moves and is positioned.
Artium Academy is one of the best online singing classes in India that can help you learn all the basics of music and shape you in getting better with time.
The supervisors at Artium Academy are industry experts who provide excellent guidance for singing lessons. We are well aware that learning from an early stage is way beneficial. That’s why Artium Academy offers online singing classes for kids as well. So, if you or your kid wants to learn singing in a structured way, take the first step today by booking a FREE 1:1 Trial Session today!